Being informed

With the digital/online world there is this idea that we need to be informed about everything all the time. Yet the information that engages us is usually well prepared and presented well. It is important to provide information that is useful in a form that will be read.

Stefan Worsley

Stefan Worsley


Stefan Worsley (B.comn) is the director of Ernest Worsley Publishing. He has 15 years experience in the media industry and has studied media communication and production at Sydney University of Technology (2005-2009). Recommendations from current and past clients are available on request.

Work Theory

The word ‘publishing’ brings to mind images of editors, typesetters and printing presses.

Even the Oxford dictionary is still vague on the modern definition of ‘publishing’, but it offers one key phrase: ‘Prepare…then issue’.

It is this, which Ernest Worsley Publishing specialises in.


The information

The form(s) in which you want deliver this information

The audience (so they know when to expect the information)

Then Issue

The preparation and the regular periodical publication of information is something that people are used to. In most cases there is no need to send out news all day, everyday – people appreciate well thought out and well presented information and are happy to wait for it.

Ernest Worsley Publishing marries the quality of the publishing of old, with the ease and economic advantage of digital publishing.